ConvertΒ  Alab πŸ”₯ to likes πŸ‘πŸ» points !

β€’ To convert Alab πŸ”₯ points to likes πŸ‘ is still a manual process as this feature is still under development and subject for approval.
β€’ In case, you would like to convert Alab πŸ”₯to likes πŸ‘ the current ratio is 2πŸ”₯ = 1 πŸ‘.
A maximum cap of 3000πŸ”₯ or equivalent to 1500 πŸ‘πŸ» per account can be converted.
Please note that request is valid only for 1 time exchange per account as Alab πŸ”₯ are not design to use in fan project events. 

**Multiple accounts are subject for approval. 
You can contact us or DM (X/FB or IG) your account in case of this request.

What is likes πŸ‘ ? 

 β€’ Likes (πŸ‘) are virtual points that you can obtain by watching ADs (30 ADs per day) that can be used on funding fan projects.

β€’ Likes (πŸ‘) expire at the end of every month.

❖ In case the project is unable to reach after the funding end date, Likes πŸ‘πŸ» used will no longer be refunded.

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